Narnia Murales to GJC Rome
Global Junior Challenge

The Global Junior Challenge, are an experience very exiting, that connect young peoples for change the world .

The Global Junior Challenge is the international competition that rewards the innovative use of technology for the education of 21st century and the social inclusion. Promoted by the Municipality of Rome the GJC is hosted every two years by the Fondazione Mondo Digitale under the High Patronage of the Italian Presidency and the sponsorship of the Italian Foreign Affairs Minister.

in this immage people from Africa share innovative experience.
The final event of the Global Junior Challenge 2012 will be held in Rome (Italy) from October 17-19, 2012. The programme includes various activities that will be held in different locations:primary school Don Gioacchino Rey, Città Educativa di Roma, new seat of Fondazione Mondo Digitale and the magnificent "Sala della Protomoteca" at the Campidoglio, seat of Roma Capitale.
From Pakistan , Fauzia tell us about Amai’s animation which was made using Adobe Photoshop and Windows Movie maker , was launched at the first Children's Literature Festival in Lahore in November 2011. Pakistan is going through turmoil and children face traumatic experiences. Amai’s animated stories can be a vehicle in Promoting Tolerance , Multiculturalism and Peace as well as help them in the ‘healing process’.
In this photos we have also iEARN Austria friends Maria and Family

Like Finalist are also Art Miles Project and Narnia Murales about Fary tales.
video tg gulp Rai
We have also the opportunity to meet our Friends from Taiwan Cindy

From Taiwan come the project Organic Garden , that use ICT to connect youth from the world through to reduce and reuse leftovers for compost and rebirth in our organic garden to solve environmental issue, food shortage, and teach people to live healthily. Connected more teachers, students and the communities to work on our organic dream. Here is our project main idea
One of most popular project that involved more that 40000 peoples are art Miles project . The Art Miles Mural Project consists of twelve one mile long acrylic painted murals on canvas involving twelve distinct themes—The Multicultural Diversity Mile, The Environmental Mile, Sports, Music, Women, Senior, Celebrity, Fairy Tale, Peace, Unity and Healing, Mentor, and The Indigenous Peoples Mile. Each of these murals is twelve foot (12’) long by five foot (5’) wide. There are 440 canvasses per mile and a total of 5,280 murals will be joined together in 2012.

The Art Miles Mural Project forms collaborations with numerous organizations, groups, conference support organizations, hospitals, foundations, and educational and cultural entities within different countries. One of these organizations is the International Education and Resource Network (iEARN)( and Art Miles is one of their 85 collaborative art projects. Art Miles has recently established a contact with an Italian representative in that country who lives in Narnia, Italy, geographically located outside of Rome and of which the C.S.Lewis "Narnia" books and films were developed around.

Global Junior Challenge connetted thousands peoples all around the world , and italian students can have a big meeting in rome for share new tecnology and innovation in Education .

in this immages Alfonso Molina GJC organizator .